Wednesday, March 25, 2009


So yesterday, while I was driving to school I came up with stuff I wanted to blog about. I was pretty excited because I had actually thought of something beforehand that I could think about before I write about it and then write about it. But when I came around to actually have time to blog, whatever I had in mind just vanished. I was pretty upset because it would've made a good blog. Whatever, it's okay!

I watched the movie, Knowing, today on my computer. The first half of the movie was good, worthy of being watched. But the second half of the movie was just weird, mainly the last 20 minutes or so. It was so weird that I couldn't help but laugh at what was happening. If only the second half of the movie was as good as the first, I would recommend this to everyone. I started this blog last night and I never posted it. I wrote the part about Knowing today, but the first paragraph yesterday. Anyways, I said "crap" because as I was writing this last night, I started to think of things to write. I was getting sleepy, so I stopped blogging and thought that I would remember what I was going to write the next day. Well, I lost that train of thought once again. I think I need to start writing down the topic of things when I think of things to write. I could have had two cool blogs already! Eh, oh well..whatever. Sorry folks, no cool, insightful blog for today ):


Monday, March 23, 2009


I finally turned in my R2-01 so sometime soon, my name will be read after the worship service!

Anyways, I just came back from running. I AM GOING TO RUN ALL THIS WEEK! ARRRGGHHHH!!! wtf..haha but foreal, I need to it going with my cardio, I'm gaining weight back again. I need to lose a bit of weight so my muscles could actually show from under the layers of fat I have haha. Dieting is the hardest part of being on a workout regimen. I haven't really been dieting. Oh well, I'm gonna start it up again now. I need to be fit for the summer..and hopefully for all afterwards, too. haha. That's all.

K bye!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

I Wonder a song by Mr. Kanye West from his "Graduation" album..his pre-808 days. No hate to the 808s & Heartbreak album. I like it, too!

Anyways, I've been listening to some of his songs from "Graduation" and I have to say that I like it more right now than I did when I first listened to it. This song called "I Wonder" is a pretty amazing song. Although I don't know the real meaning of it, it makes me wonder about things not related to the song. It makes me wonder about my future, how is it gonna be? What am I gonna be? I know right now, I have no clue on what I want to major in. I was pretty sure about that upon leaving high school, but my mind changed. I'm not sure at all what I'm majoring in up to this point. It's okay, I have what everyone says.

Another thing I wonder about is why things are the way they are right now. I know there's a biblical standpoint as to why things are currently like this, but I'd like to see it from the world's point of view. I want to see why things changed so much and how it got this bad from the minds that made it the way it is. See, America and probably most of the world has become overdependent on fossil fuels, and we all have been using it up like there's an unlimited source. And as the supply has been dwindling, the demand for it has been overwhelmingly increasing, thus sparking a rise in prices for gas. A man named Van Jones devised a scheme in which one solution would fix two of the world's biggest problems. We've been covering it in sociology and it's pretty interesting to see the break down in things sociologically.

Other than a failing economy and an inevitable fossil fuel depletion, I once wondered about jellyfish. Yeah..I don't know haha. But really, jellyfish are very interesting. They have no brain as well as no heart. And if you ever see one, they are usually clear so you could see their insides. Upon looking in, and depending on the type of jellyfish, you usually don't see much in there. So it's like, how are they living?

Wait, did he really ask her to prom? Seriously? I know that he needed a prom date, but why even ask her? I wonder what his thought process was in asking. I mean, come've got to be kidding me, right? And it's not just that, it's his mindset of it. Just because of distance, does it make it okay for him to try to get with her? He already knows that she's not into him, so you know, why even try? Come on, she's not even that not enough of a reason to stop trying? Get over it. Geeze.

Haha anyways, you ever notice how in the beginning of the year, the days/weeks/months go by really fast and then around the end of summer to the end of the year, they start to slow down? Ever notice it? Maybe it's just me, but that's the way things feel to me. Look, it's already what..March 21? It came by as quick as my dog, Weezer, comes by to the table while we're eating in hopes to get scraps haha. Since it's already March 21, that means April is nearing. And it's almost April 3..whoa! With time moving really fast for me right now, it'll help when I'm waiting for my next trip to Cali. Ahhhh Cali, it's coming soon enough!

Man, I should really add some photos/images to my posts. Almost all of them are just words, thoughts, and ideas.

But will I? I don't know..maybe!

Well I don't.


Monday, March 9, 2009

Post post

Yanno, I can't really think of a clever, attention-getting first line for this blog, so I'm just gonna go straight into it.

I partook today. Twice. Being able to give praises, sing my heart out, and partaking twice was an amazing feeling. It was tiring, but still amazing nonetheless. The weather today gave the "lazy Sunday" atmosphere, but it didn't take away from the delicateness of this occasion. It was a bit difficult because I had to sleep earlier than usual, and an hour even earlier than that because of the time change. Losing an hour of sleep doesn't usually feel too good. But I felt fine when I woke up.

I'm not sure how many people read my blog, but if you still have yet to partake, don't be surprised if any problems arise. Actually, expect problems to happen. Anything can happen, whether it be something big or something small. We all know that especially at this time of the year, God is just trying to test us, testing us to see if we're strong and worthy to partake. These may be the times where we experience hardships or what have you. But we have to be strong, showing that we're not letting anything faze us. Not letting anything break our concentration and preparation. We already know that God wouldn't face us with something if we weren't strong enough for it. This is the time, especially, when we can't be weak. And with that in mind, all we need to do is endure. We already know we can get through these problems, we just have to have that mindset. And when we finally partake, the feeling would be far better knowing that we were able to not let anything get in the way of our preparation.

Good Morning/Afternoon/Night